SUNDRE – Residential projects dominated the overall number of permits issued by the Town of Sundre in 2024 with a 1,000-plus per cent increase in the number of dwelling units compared with the year prior.
The value of building permits approved by the municipality last year were down a bit from 2023.
All of the categories combined – residential, commercial, industrial and institutional – represented a cumulative value of a little more than $7.27 million.
In 2023, those combined categories represented a cumulative value of slightly more than $9.5 million.
However, in 2024 the total materialized almost exclusively from residential projects, whereas the bulk of the value from the year prior came mostly from commercial and industrial projects.
In fact, there were no building permits recorded this past year by the municipality under the categories of industrial and institutional.
But under the residential category in the town’s 2024 building report, there was an overall of 44 dwellings units under 32 permits for a value that amounted to a little more than $6.22 million.
That figure included but was not limited to six duplex or semi-detached dwelling units under six permits representing a value of almost $1.4 million as well as 36 multi-family dwelling units under two permits amounting to a value of $3.2 million.
Under the commercial category, there were zero building starts reported in 2024 but seven permits were issued for renovations or additions representing a value of $935,000.
That was a near reversal in trends from 2023, when the value of permits issued under residential categories amounted to $1.57 million.
One residential permit for a bungalow valued at $400,000 plus another two permits for bi-levels estimated at $735,000 represented a total of almost $1.14 million. A further six permits for accessory buildings plus another 17 permits for renovations or additions contributed another $431,800.
Meanwhile, there were reported under the commercial category at the time two building starts as well as two renovation or addition permits that represented a value of $5.55 million.
Under the industrial category, one permit had been issued for a building start valued at $2.3 million, while one permit had also been issued under the institutional category for a building start valued at almost $85,000.