Exercise has a lot of benefits. It helps as much with mental fitness as it does with physical condition. Working out will make you feel better. A good workout will help with sleep, to reduce fatigue and improve concentration. It helps the brain function and it certainly is a big fighter against stress, depression and anxiety. Which workout should you do to decrease anxiety? All workouts help in their own way, so the best advice is to choose a workout that you will enjoy so that you will want to repeat it often.
Go for a Walk
It is said that just 10 minutes walking outdoors can do as much to lower anxiety as any other workout. A brisk walk can improve mood and help with calmness, as well as providing momentary relief from what was going on. A daily walk helps, not just because it is relaxing and within your control; it also provides a change in air and a change in focus.
Consider the Breath
Anxiety can be something much deeper. If you experience breathlessness during anxiety attacks, it is helpful to learn to manage anxiety by controlling breathing. Yoga is a great exercise for stretching the body and practicing breath work at the same time, and meditation is also very calming. Here are some breathing exercises that can help.
Keep up a Routine
As said, any workout that you enjoy and want to repeat is a great workout against anxiety. Workouts will help you sleep, provide something else to think about, and build up physical strength too. Exercise should be something that you can control, because stress and anxiety happen when things seem out of control.
The important thing is to make a plan and stick with it. Later, build in more cardio and try running, or swimming. Take a dance class or do a Zumba workout. Zumba is a form of cardio and dance and it is fun. Find a class at the gym, or on YouTube.
Make the workout fun for you, and don’t stress the workout! Aim for at least 30 minutes, three times a week, to get your heart rate up and improve lung function. Physical exercise will help with so many of the obstacles and barriers that are in the way of any physical or mental health plan. Physical movement, and relaxation are connected.