DIDSBURY - At their regular council meeting on April 10 council members observed a moment of silence for the Humboldt Broncos and local injured player Graysen Cameron.
Mayor Rhonda Hunter gave condolences to those affected by the tragic bus accident, which claimed 16 lives.
Meawnwhile, council heard a delegation from the auditor from BDO Canada LLP in regards to the town's financials.
Later in the meeting, council accepted the audited 2017 Town of Didsbury financial statements as presented.
Hunter said it was good to hear a positive report from the auditors.
"It's good to know our auditors are satisfied," she said. "There are no deficiencies, everything is running well, all indications are thumbs-up. They've given Harold (CAO Northcott) and our staff a great report on managing our finances.
"I think that's great. We're in a good place with our finances and they're being looked after well."
Council carried a motion to approve the council remuneration policy as amended.
In other council news, a request from the Didsbury Car Club for road closures and equipment for the show 'n shine event on May 11-13 was approved by council.
Kelly Phillips has been appointed by council to the Municipal Planning Commission for a two-year term ending at the organizational meeting in 2020.
Council approved the Mountain View Regional Water Services Commission's 2018 system business plan as presented as well as the proposed rate changes.