OLDS - Olds College starts its 2020 fall term today (Sept. 8) with all buildings reopening with restrictions for students and staff.
The fall term is being offered predominantly in a remote learning environment with some exceptions.
All programs have gone through an academic delivery model review to determine the most appropriate delivery method which include:
• Remote delivery - classes and labs will be held virtually.
• On-Campus - classes and labs will be in-person and on-campus, while adhering to social distancing and safety protocols.
• Remote with required/mandatory in-person, on-campus labs - classes held virtually with mandatory on-campus, in-person labs to allow for hands-on learning.
All buildings on campus will reopen today with restricted hours. Social distancing signage and engineering controls have been put in place, along with hand sanitizer stations.
Non-medical masks or face coverings are mandatory for all on-campus indoor public spaces, including hallways, washrooms and other common-use spaces.