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"Most discriminated-against group': Alberta premier pledges to protect unvaccinated

"Most discriminated-against group': Alberta premier pledges to protect unvaccinated

EDMONTON — Danielle Smith, sworn in Tuesday as Alberta's new premier, said she will shake up the top tier of the health system within three months and amend provincial human rights law to protect those who choose not to get vaccinated.
UN, G7 decry Russian attack on Ukraine as possible war crime

UN, G7 decry Russian attack on Ukraine as possible war crime

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Russian forces showered Ukraine with more missiles and munition-carrying drones Tuesday after widespread strikes killed at least 19 people in an attack the U.N.
Trudeau announces money for Quebec firm that produces minerals for electric cars

Trudeau announces money for Quebec firm that produces minerals for electric cars

SOREL-TRACY, Que. — Ottawa will invest $222 million to help a Quebec company increase production of critical minerals for goods such as electric cars and batteries while simultaneously cutting emissions, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Tuesday.
Talk about police bias scrutinized in Kansas governor's race

Talk about police bias scrutinized in Kansas governor's race

US: Gopher tortoise not threatened over most of its range

US: Gopher tortoise not threatened over most of its range

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Gopher tortoises — burrowers whose extensive homes shelter many other animals — are generally doing well and need federal protection only in the small area where they were declared threatened 35 years ago, the government said Tuesd
'Defending Saskatchewan': Moe prepared to take legal actions over pollution laws

'Defending Saskatchewan': Moe prepared to take legal actions over pollution laws

Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe says he's prepared to take legal action over federal regulations on pollution.
Fetterman, Oz vie for Black voters in close Pa. Senate race

Fetterman, Oz vie for Black voters in close Pa. Senate race

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — As Sheila Armstrong grew emotional in recounting how her brother and nephew were killed in Philadelphia, Dr.
High court weighs California law on pigs, pork prices

High court weighs California law on pigs, pork prices

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court is weighing a California animal cruelty law that pork producers say could upend their industry and raise the cost of their products nationwide.
Canada and Japan launch formal talks on intelligence-sharing pact, more military ties

Canada and Japan launch formal talks on intelligence-sharing pact, more military ties

OTTAWA — Canada and Japan have launched talks aimed at sharing military intelligence, as the two countries try countering growing threats from China and Russia.
Cap on international students' working hours should be lifted permanently: advocates

Cap on international students' working hours should be lifted permanently: advocates

OTTAWA — A new pilot project to lift the cap on the number of hours international students can work should be made permanent, say advocates who have spent years asking for the change.
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