Maybe Premier Danielle Smith should have given the Municipalities the money she gave the Oil & Gas to clean up the abandoned Wells that they had already been given money from the Federal Government. They shouldn't even have gotten one cent, it should be their responsibility and they should have had to put up a Bond that would have paid for these well clean ups. Governments have the power but they don't want to upset the big Oil & Gas Companies.
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He forgot Sonya Savage is to blame and both her and Jason Kenny have left Albertans holding this bag. Now unfortunately all Albertans that thought the UCP GOVERNMENT was going to be the answer to all our problems but their new Laws and Rules have put our Province in danger with, Coal Mining, loss if Fresh Water, over Logging, killing our Wildlife, over Grazing Cattle Leases, removal of our Wild Horses, then there is their Mismanagement of our Pensions by AMICO, Education System in Chaos, splitting up our Healthcare and Privating it, Millions of dollars on Boarder Security to impress Trump, trip after trip by Danielle Smith and Miniters to the USA and the worry that she will sell us out to Trump. Then we have their lack of transparency and the Corruption of taking NHL Hockey Playoff Games tickets (by making changes with the Ethics Commissioner.
Smith has more, her plans to build a rail line in
Alberta and her husband David Moretta will make Millions with this. CONFLICT OF INTEREST
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Well this is just going to killing as many Bears and Cougars for the sake of allowing the Mountain Sheep and Goats to increase so that Todd Loewen Minister of Parks and Forrest can sell special permits to the US Hunters and that they will use his Outfitter Business (oh yes he said he sold it to his son, makes you wonder if that really happened or that he is in charge of this business. Such a Conflict of Interest and such a sad day for our Wildlife, they are the ones that will suffer to much with these changes that this UCP GOVERNMENT has made. What is Alberta going to look like in the future? No Lumber, No Wildlife, No Wild Horses, No Coal (or beautiful Mountains or Fresh Water) No Public Healthcare, No Public Education, No RCMP (Private Police Force) and many trips by this Premier and her Ministers to the USA. Will they sell us out to Trump. Some may think that is a good thing but he is becoming more and more a DICTATOR. Is that what you want to live under. Think about it.
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Would this Judge be a Conservative maybe. Who will see this report first Danielle Smith and will that her time to change it. Do you not think the Opposition Party should see the report as all Albertans.
Will this Judge ask Danielle Smith about the NHL Hockey Playoff tickets that she took from MH Care for herself and her Ministers and her Staff? Danielle Smith is setting this up so it will go away quickly and she will carry on with her Corruption and the rest of her Cabinet. Albertans this is what you have for your Government and it should concern you as what she is going to do to your Province in the next 2 years. Will she sell us out to Trump and will we be his 51st State. She seems to think how he thinks and is willing to travel to the USA many times and then she has spent 23 Million dollars on our Boarder.
12 2 1
This Budget doesn't show the waste that this UCP GOVERNMENT has done in the last few years. To start with they have allowed AMICO to lose Millions of dollars of our Pension money. Then the Deal of the Century that Jason Kenny and Sonya Savage made with the Australian Coal Mining Companies that could cost Albertans 15 Billion dollars to get out of or they will destroy our Mountains and Fresh Water. Then the Healthcare scandal. Smith wants to Privatize our Healthcare and has awarded 614 Million and 70 Million in contracts to MH Care (but did receive NHL Hockey Plsyoff tickets for herself, her Ministers and her Staff). Then didn't see anything in the Budget for Bill 35 the Year Round Resorts that Albertans are going to have to pay for. Trump trips, Boarder Security 23 Million so far, taking our Secure Pension money to give/invest it to the Gas & Oil, a Private Police Force, and it would be interesting to know how much has this UCP GOVERNMENT spent in the last 2 years.
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Wonder how he resigned or was he forced to. It is amazing how many people resign or get fired if they don't do as Danielle wants. It is very similar to that of the TRUMP style of Government.
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Minister Schow and Danielle Smith and this Government has already passed BILL 35 one of the many that should concern Albertans that our hard earned dollars and our Tax dollars will be Financing a number of "Year Round Resorts " that this Government will build on Crown Land and very little restrictions. These Resorts will only be for the Weathly.
Now maybe it would be interesting to know in advance what these other LAWS that they are planning will be. Maybe taking away Albertans Rights, maybe a High Speed Rail Line to Banff and Edmonton, Land Aquision and much more that will be with Private Investors. Maybe turning our Healthcare totally into a Private Healthcare that so many Albertans can not afford to pay for their services.
2 more years and what will be left of our beautiful Province (no Wildlife, no Wild Horses , over Logging, AMICO losing Millions of our Pension dollars, her hands on our secure Federal Pensions and no more Healthcare for regular Albertans only the Rich.
9 1 0
This is a very serious case of Mismanagement but what should be a concern to All Albertans is that this Government will be the ones Investigating themselves, if Danielle Smith or any of her Government appoints someone that is a Conservative Supporter the investigate they will be a FARCE.
4 0 0
Premier Smith accepted NHL Hockey Playoff Game tickets from MHCARE which had awarded 614 Million dollars in contracts from this UPC GOVERNMENT. This Government all needs to be looked into for CORRUPTION. Maybe start with Sonya Savage and Jason Kenny because theie decision with opening up Coal Leases is now possibly going to cost Albertans 15 Billion dollars. What is this Government doing to our Province.
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No listings have been posted by JoAnne King
Marty was an amazing man, husband, father, friend, fire fighter and will be so missed by so many in and around Sundre and so many places that NO Surrender helped.
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