The clowns are leading the parade!! Wake up Albertans! Smith and her kickback cronies are destoying Alberta! Be vocal. Jason Nixon, speak out against these policies or are you in bed with with the rest.
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Private " care" facilities are busnesses run for Profit . They are not run to give the best care to our seniors .We as the next generation of seniors need to protest the establishment of private for profit facilities by our votes in the next election! if we do not we will end up with warehouses for seniors , and those with disabilities, not CARE facilites!
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But will the Alberta government put a moratorium. On fracking. If not they have actually no concern about water shortages.
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Not worried about federal elections. More worried about UCP interference in provincial elections. It seems that Marlena Smith wants total control of everything in this province and aims to get it.
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Danielle Smith and her UPC Party will be the ruin of Alberta.
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Once there is an out break in one of our seniors facilities and some one dies because masking was not required as a preventative measure, who will be to blame. Masking in seniors villages is already in place in Calgary.
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Why is this county still allowing fracking? We have been and may continue to be in near drought conditions and we are endorsing the loss of water resources that may be essential in the very near future. Wake up Mountain View!!
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There are no sidewalks in Noblefern manufactured home development. Seniors are forced to walk in roadways and the roadways have not been cleared effectively therefore pedestrians have no other option than to walk on extremely icy roads. If Sundre council is serious about avoiding falls involving seniors, do something about this.
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Why the "kennel/breeding'" of dogs was allowed to be okayed by MV council is astounding ..This is nothing more than a puppy mill . The land it is planned to be built on is designated as agricultural land .This proposal is not , it is not livestock, it is not a grain crop nor is it hay or pasture . Obviously council did not look into this proposal and it's implications .This province and particularly Central Alberta already has an overwhelming number of dogs in rescues. This is not something we want in our County. I am very disappointed in our representatives. and very much against this endeavor. Please take a second look at the promoting of a puppy mill in Dog Pound ( how ironic) or any part of our County! DCE Bergen
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The future prosperity of Sundre, Caroline, Rocky Mountain House and all of the west county will not be the extraction of lumber or petroleum products. It will be tourism. How well do you think coal mining will fit in with that!!? Wake up supporters of this UCP government!
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