Mountain View County council has approved terms of reference for the new inter-municipal development plan (IDP) with the Town of Carstairs. The move came during the recent regularly scheduled council meeting.
Councillors also approved the appointment of the steering committee for the IDP review.
The Town of Carstairs and MVC’s existing IDP was approved in 2007 and is now being updated.
“In accordance with the Municipal Government Act’s amendments effective April 2018, an IDP review is required to ensure the plan addresses the minimum criteria and must be completed as part of the newly required inter-municipal collaboration framework,” administration said in a briefing note to council.
The IDP is being reviewed in its entirety to address and guide future land use and development within the IDP area.
The project objectives include to review and adjust the IDP goals to align with the joint vision and objectives for the IDP area, confirm and identify development constraints to inform future land use and policies, and review and amend the IDP areas and policies if required.
Land use and development objectives of the review include the following:
• Encourage land use planning policies that support economic activity in appropriate IDP areas while reducing land use conflicts and preserving agricultural lands.
• Consistent definitions and terminology throughout the county.
• Ensure the rural way of life is supported and respected.
• Support existing agricultural development until planning and development approvals are granted.
• Develop policies that encourage municipality serviced residential and non-residential growth within the Town of Carstairs and unserviced residential growth in the county.
• Develop policies that align with the future land use policies of the Wessex area structure plan and support the development of unserviced business parks.
Infrastructure objectives include identifying major transportation corridors and important road networks, reviewing existing infrastructure capacity within the Town of Carstairs and requirements to expand infrastructure for future land use and development, and identify existing and future utility corridors where appropriate.
Sustainability objectives include developing clear land use policies and guidelines for existing and future development within the IDP area, review environmental protection and preservation measures, and consider areas or circumstances where extension of infrastructure of water storage facilities, waste water treatment facilities, pipelines or regional stormwater management may serve new development on the assumption that developer pays for development.
“Both municipalities acknowledge that development pressures in the IDP area within the county since the adoption in 2007 has not been significant and there is sufficient land base for the Town of Carstairs within its existing boundary for growth,” administration said.
“The IDP review is not anticipated to result in significant changes and the IDP review study area is the same as the existing IDP area. The scope of work is organized into four stages with target dates for completion. Target dates can be adjusted if scope changes are identified during the IDP review process.”
Key stakeholders involved in the review will include internal municipal departments, provincial agencies, public utilities and public agencies, and affected landowners, council heard.
An open house to review the IDP revisions could be held next fall.