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4-H's quest for excellence

4-H's quest for excellence

4-H members will challenge judges with their high-quality communication skills on Saturday, March 25 at the Strathmore Civic Centre. The Calgary 4-H region has three public speaking competitions starting at 9:30 a.m.
Citizens for Innisfail declaring progress

Citizens for Innisfail declaring progress

On behalf of the Citizens for Innisfail group I would like to thank those of you that have submitted your concerns, comments and support using our new email address at citizensforinnisfail@gmail.
Opinion Cartoon

Opinion Cartoon

Stay safe during the spring thaw

Stay safe during the spring thaw

Despite appearances, spring is on its way. No doubt many of us ó if not most ó are already keenly anticipating the return of warm weather and the inevitable spring thaw that follows.
A satirical depiction of America's so-called president

A satirical depiction of America's so-called president

I ó and I alone, absolutely no one else! ó have the answer to everything and know the real, unquestionable truth. Believe me. I know people, the best people, really! They're absolutely the greatest ó just terrific. Believe it.
Memory Lane

Memory Lane

March 16, 2004 Round Up file photo Sundre Fish and Wildlife officer Robert Hawley, who was at the time newly stationed at the local detachment, was pictured getting zapped with a 50,000 volt Conducted Energy Weapon (CEW), commonly known as a tazer, d
Victim rights must come first

Victim rights must come first

The provincial government has introduced legislation that would remove limitations on the time allowed for sexual assault victims to take legal action against offenders.
Teaching a new dog Olds tricks

Teaching a new dog Olds tricks

I might have taken a bit of a detour, but it seems I've been Alberta bound all my life. I was born in Montreal, but my parents packed me up a year later and headed west.
Sometimes a notion needs a review

Sometimes a notion needs a review

Sometimes one just has to bite the bullet, review a notion and concede things are not what they may have first appeared.
Grateful for health care daughter received

Grateful for health care daughter received

Our family would like to take this opportunity to thank the physicians, nurses and staff at the Olds Hospital and Care Centre. On Saturday Feb. 25, our three-year-old daughter suffered a seizure at our house north of town.
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