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Now is the time to consider starting your own business

Now is the time to consider starting your own business

Consumer confidence is a good index to gauge the health of an economy. If people feel confident enough to spend money instead of save it, they will help generate domestic demand for goods and services.
We must remain optimistic

We must remain optimistic

It's a lesson in German that's increasingly sticking in the craw of so many Albertans during these troubling times.
High-stakes survey could impact many

High-stakes survey could impact many

The Notley government has announced that its massive new “Future Ready” education review and update initiative will include an online survey that will run over the next month.
Council missed pitch on skatepark location

Council missed pitch on skatepark location

It is very disappointing and upsetting that town council did not have the decency and thoughtfulness to inform the people who would be most affected by the skatepark being located where they decided it would be.
Hotel's clients have 'biggest' hearts

Hotel's clients have 'biggest' hearts

We have had our bar reopened for a week and it has been wonderful to see old and new faces.
Lappage thanks Olds for support

Lappage thanks Olds for support

It has been two months since the Olympic Games have ended. I have had some time to process the end of a phenomenal and emotional “Olympic experience,” and to celebrate everything I have accomplished in the sport of wrestling.
Opinion Cartoon

Opinion Cartoon

Hunters urged to properly prepare for excursions

Hunters urged to properly prepare for excursions

Hunting is among the lengthy list of reasons some people seek to live in a community like Sundre.
"Climate change deniers should be banned from politics"

"Climate change deniers should be banned from politics"

Apparently Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio hasn't fully considered the concept of unintended consequences.
Businesses crave stable markets

Businesses crave stable markets

Businesses want stability: it is what affords them a sense of predictability in their drive for profits.
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